Body and Brain
Biohacking Blog
Biohack Through Valentine's Trickier Moments
St. Valentine really buggered February. Every year, we’re just about recovering from the emotional cluster bomb that’s Christmas when, suddenly, St. Valentine looms over us like a nightmare shadow figure. ...
Stressed? Studying? Perimenopausing? AH-HA! Nootropic Stacks Are Light Bulb Moments
Could WillPowders Ah-Ha and Other Nootropic Stacks be Part of the Answer to Your Missing Memory Moments? First things first! Einstein wisely said that he never kept anything in his...
The Towel That Deserves a Swipe Right
What’s big, bold, will wrap you in a velvety embrace, give you a good rub down and is always up for a good lounging session? This thing of beauty is...
Just Say No to Protein Powders that Pack That Crack of Spoonfuls of Sugar
Sometimes it’s more a case of what your bone broth protein powder DOESN’T contain. A spoonful of sugar (any -ose will do) shouldn’t belong there, because, if it does, you could be inviting in...
Your Proteins Need Amino Acids: The Ammo for Life
Let’s do the roll call: immune system, muscle metabolism, blood sugar levels, energy metabolism, absorbing micronutrients, brain chemistry, sustaining a healthy digestive system, collagen production, (take a breath), blood clotting,...
Protein Golden Balls and Protein Bollocks: Which is Which?
Now, at WillPowders, we do love a natter about protein along with the best of them. At the gym, around the workplace watering hole, on the sofa with the body...
Bumps, Scrapes, Super-Stimuli and Stress
Collagen 101: Can kids take collagen? Here’s why they might benefit and how the stressors in their lives could impact their natural collagen production—and, in turn, possibly their growth and...
Spice: A Turmeric and Curcumin Game Changer!
This is the tale of how misdiagnosis, inflammation and genes can turn your life upside down and how natural, holistic supplements like WillPowders’ Spice can change your life. Once upon...
How to Survive the Christmas Party Season, or any Party Season for that Matter.
'Tis the season and with it comes lots of parties, late nights, banquets and sometimes, a dreaded hangover, leaving you feeling run down, bad about yourself and in a low...
What are Nootropics?
Nootropics are substances that power up the brain to improve performance. They can be synthetic or natural, and whilst these smart pills won’t give your superhuman abilities, they can help...
Should I Take Supplements?
When you reach for that bottle of Multivitamins or Vitamin C pills at the supermarket you may wonder, do they work and do I actually need them for good health?
Why MCT Oil should be Part of Your Diet
MCT, or Medium Chain Triglycerides, are most commonly extracted from coconut oil and some goat’s milk.