The Towel That Deserves a Swipe Right
What’s big, bold, will wrap you in a velvety embrace, give you a good rub down and is always up for a good lounging session? This thing of beauty is the stuff of science fiction turned science fact, with copper ions, don’t you know, so pesky germs can do one!
A Seventh Heaven Towel?
Biophysics might not be on your radar during holiday season, unless, of course, you are a biophysicist going on holiday, but blending learning from physics and biology in order to consider how microscopic life can form in the most inconvenient of places and using that knowledge to develop new materials to benefit the way we humans live and look after our gorgeous planet is so right now that its applications have even reached the humble towel. It’s one of the reasons why at WillPowders, we say, It’s Not Just a Towel.
We’ve got seven heavenly and earthly reasons to switch up your towel game and embrace an outdoor life in these warmer months with a biophysical towel with biophysical properties in hand. Soon you’ll wonder how you made it this far without this bad boy at your service!
One: It’s Antimicrobial so Funky Smells and Pesky Germs Don’t Stand a Chance
Consider a week in the life of your regular towel: slung around in the sauna, plonked poolside, languishing by the side of the shower in the gym. It could be a case of a whole microscopic world starting a party in your ground warp, madam!
It has been claimed that cotton towels are ‘one of the primary mediums for transmitting viruses and bacteria’. And, what goes on tour doesn’t always stay on tour because germs form biofilms on your gadabout towels and they can put it about, transferring the germs to your more stay at home towels in the wash. Yikes!
But, fret not! We’ve infused It’s Not Just a Towel with copper ions that penetrate the cells of bacteria and interfere with their respiration. It’s also bad news for the DNA of bacteria and viruses because it turns out copper is their kryptonite and so they can’t transfer their genes or antibodies. The copper ions remain wash after wash so you can feel reassured that they are fighting the good fight against that creepy invisible army while you lounge.
Now, you’d be forgiven for thinking that a copper ion infused fabric might feel like a pan scrub to the touch. But, no - your skin will still love the soft feel! Since it’s infused with vaporised copper molecules, the towel retains all the gentle feel of a considerate lover on a midnight beach, oh, sorry, … of cotton.
Copper ion infused textiles, like our towel, also prevent the growth of fungi. Let’s face it, on holiday, the only ‘fun guy’ you want to meet is the one serving the drinks at the bar, not the athlete’s foot variety! Not only will those copper ions kill bacteria, which means less chance of those musty smells a traditional beach towel can pick up by day three of relaxing, those hardy little copper ions will withstand frequent washing so this could be your go to towel for years to come. Everyone’s a winner, except microbial life forms! Sorry about that, little lifeforms, our towel might state RESERVED, but that’s for our customers, not you!
Two: No disappointingly short lengths here, ladies!
We all know it’s a myth that length doesn’t matter. Oi oi, Cheeky! Measuring up at 190 x 105 cm, this is a case of we’ve got you covered from top to toe. You know how it is when your more regular ‘arrangements’ are just that bit shy of a decent length: deciding whether to sacrifice the soles of your feet to bubbling blisters on scorching sand or whether you’ll have to go all NASA problem solving and fashion a weird pillow out of your beach bag, a bottle of sunblock and a paperback. Yup - we’ve dispensed with that dilemma! Get the full nine yards (ok, so not quite - it’s 6ft 2in, but still) of velvety VIP treatment from your tootsies to your glorious crown.

Three: Less likelihood of fade and burnout makes for a happy planet
Microbes are thought to be responsible for fade and discoloration that can occur in towels. With fewer microbes, a textile’s dyes might well be more likely to stand the test of time. Don’t forget that microbes from more traditional leisure towels transfer to other items in the wash, but towels in particular, with their different construction, are particularly susceptible to this. No one wants their reds to turn ravished russet or their whites to turn rain cloud grey, now, do they? That’s when we start to replace towels that could still serve us and that costs the Earth’s resources. Longevity in your linens could make for a kinder attitude to our planet.
We have two colourways for you - Lime and Raspberry - that, unlike your regular leisure towels, help to mitigate against the microbes that steal your true colours. Cindy Lauper would be so proud!

Four: Shapeshifting is the new black
Talking of buying wiser for the planet’s resources, multi-functionality could be key. It’s probably not going to do you any harm, either. Our WillPowders Not Just a Towel is designed with this in mind. Is it a towel? Is it a sarong? Is it a throw? Could it pass for a pashmina? A thousand times, yes! One or two less things to carry to the picnic has to be good news for your shoulders and back, too! You never know when you might need to keep a hand free for that romantic caress (yes, please) or truculent toddler (yeah, not so much).
And you might even be able to ditch some of those feelings of overwhelm that spring up when you’re having to cater for packing the kitchen sink. Don’t forget, we’ve also got Calm that soothes your nerves for that! No need to look like Eeyore trundling along with too much baggage - it’s time for a slimmed down, sleeker pack. Some might even say it’s your summer venue capsule wardrobe in a waterproof bag. We couldn’t possibly comment.
Lie on it, wrap up in it, dry off with it, wear it, be the envy of those poolside peeps with it.

Five: Get Outside and Get Electron High on Life
Throw yourself on the ground and connect with it more often, and not in a tantruming toddler way, because there’s an increasing interest in the concept of earthing, a practice as old as time in many indigenous cultures. It is now thought that re-connecting with the earth, soil and sand may induce feelings of well-being and help our inflammation regulation systems, blood flow, blood pressure, sleep, heart rate variability and anxiety. You can watch The Grounding Movie for free here to learn more about this.
But, wouldn’t you just know it, earthing, sometimes called grounding, since it involves something accessible to all and good for our health and can’t be wrapped up, patented and marketed, has had scorn poured on it. As with all things WillPowders Way, we say, get outside, move more, get reconnected with the joys of being outdoors, and if our towel (it’s not just a towel) gives you the urge to reconnect with the earth and get even some of your bod on the ground, then go for it. See how you feel! Lounge in the park with your towel as a throw and casually reach out a hand to feel the coolness of the grass. Hello, Mother Earth - thank you for your electrons!

Six: The Waterproof Bag
Having spent the day channeling your inner mermaid, who’s been in the position of having to lug home a damp towel that creates a wet patch on your bag, spoiling your cool surfer chick vibe? Yup - us too! But, no more! Our waterbaby comes with a waterproof bag so that paperback of yours won’t be steaming from the damp of your towel, just the steaminess of its content, and quite rightly so, Mr. Grey. And, while you’re in situ at the beauty spot of your choosing, it’s waterproof protection helps safeguard your valuables from spilt drinks and other people’s annoyingly splashy children larking about in the water, because no one wants water in their charging crevices - thanks, but no thanks. And for that journey home, we’ve left a bit of room in the bag so that you can tuck a few of your other leaky bits away in there too - because you never know when the sunblock cap will give up the ghost!

Seven: Channel Your Inner Cleopatra
We think the copper ions in our It’s Not Just a Towel fully entitle you to claim a certain royal air about you. Copper was beloved of many ancient civilisations, maybe because it is one of only three metals that aren’t grey in colour! It’s deliciously, well, coppery, of course, and, so, highly prized. The Ancient Egyptians considered it so precious that their hieroglyphic symbol for it was the ‘ankh’ symbol, a sacred symbol based on the ancient powers of the cross. There is evidence that copper was used to sterilise chest wounds and drinking water. It was also used to cure headaches and skin conditions. But, besides the well-being benefits different peoples have cherished copper for in the past, it was also associated with a bit of self-pampering and adornment. Now, we don’t claim that you can wear our towel as a crown but it does do a very nice turban for wet hair or sun protection, we have to say, and anything that accompanies you on your travels away from the grind of the everyday has to be good for the soul, right?
Further Product Information
Take up to two capsules daily with water.
Keep out of reach of children. Adult use only. Not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women.

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