Hack Your Hormones
The Hows, The Whys, The Dos and The Don’ts when You Begin Your WillPowders Way!
So, you’ve made the decision to begin on your WillPowders Way, but where the Hell should start, what products do you need and what are they good for?
For the purpose of this blog, we’re going to focus on our good FAT products and we might throw a bit of collagen in too. Why? Because you’ve probably been on a diet for most of life, you’ve likely been looking for the “diet” that works for you and you’ve definitely made the decision to switch things up for the betterment of your health and well-being.
Why Incorporate FAT into Your Diet?
You’ll find a plethora of blogs that answer this question, but in summary, we all need good fats to support our brain health, vitamin absorption, hormone transportation and balance, metabolism maintenance, cellular energy, reduce inflammation and it’s the only thing that truly satiates us without spiking our blood sugar and sending us on the train to Snacksville. It’s time to get off the Carb Express!
What are the WillPowders FAT Products?
At WillPowders, we have developed clean good FAT products to help you achieve the aforementioned in the form of MCT Keto Creamer, C8 MCT Oil and Protein with added MCT.
Our MCT Keto Creamer is made from coconuts and mixed with grass fed butter, making it the perfect natural source of good FAT to add to recipes to support your good FAT intake and provide additional satiety. Alternatively, you can simply make a delicious, frothy WillPowders coffee to keep you away from the biscuit tin - just don’t forget your WillPowders whizzer! MCT Keto Creamer boosts sustained energy and mental clarity by rapidly converting into ketones, the preferred energy source of your mitochondria (the energy part of your cells).
Our C8 MCT Oil is very similar; however, it completely bypasses the digestive system and provides a super charged, turbo boost for your brain. Cook with it, add to your drinks, or simply chug it from the bottle when you find yourself fighting temptation.
Our Protein Powder range with added MCT Keto Creamer is a complete protein and provides the body with every single amino acid it needs to keep on thriving. The addition of our MCT Keto Creamer is simply a dose of good FAT that will keep you away from the kid’s chocolate stash! When those sweet pangs rear their ugly little heads, be safe in the knowledge that our protein powder will quash them like your kids quash your spirits! We have a range of recipes that utilise the magic of our protein powder, but a quick shake or hot chocolate will also do the job.

Why have We Created the Good Fat Range?
At WillPowders, we advocate for a clean diet and lifestyle with a leaning on a ketogenic diet. You can find out why by checking out our FAT blogs, but ultimately, we do this because we believe it's what’s best for our bodies and brains. However, just because we think going keto is the way forward, it doesn’t mean that you have to completely swear off carbs to stay on your WillPowders Way. We’re not monsters! You simply need to switch your ratios and ensure that the majority of your nutrition is coming from FAT and protein. We like to save our carbs for our evening meals or supper, meaning we can ride the carb coma all the way to bedtime. We don’t hate carbs, we just prefer fueling with fat and avoiding those rapid blood sugar spikes and horrendous crashes which only leave us seeking more snacks.
How to Use Our FAT Products
So, you’ve made the decision to ditch the carbs and switch to fueling with fat. It’s important to understand that if you continue to pile the carbs high whilst fueling with fat, you will likely start to put weight on so tread carefully and mindfully.
The next thing you need to do is think about your lifestyle. Think about when you’re hungry, when are you most likely to cave into the crave? The easiest way to explain this is through analogy…

I never eat breakfast - never have, probably never will.
I have simply never been hungry in the morning so I find 16:8 fasting super easy. However, I cannot function without a coffee first thing, so rather than adding milk, I add 1 tsp of MCT Keto Creamer because…why not? It’s just the same as having milk except I reap the benefits of ketogenic energy. I also add 1 tsp of collagen for an amino acid boost. Keeping to these measurements, I remain in a fat fasted state and allow ketogenic energy to be unleashed. I follow my coffee up with ElectroTide, and I know I’m doing it the wrong way round, but that just works for me.
Generally speaking, I don’t start to feel the pangs of hunger until midday.
If I wanted to push my fast a little longer, I may have another WillPowders coffee to tide me over, but more often than not, I have lunch. Before I eat, I chug back some Willy’s Apple Cider vinegar to support digestion. Lunch is often low carb, and sometimes it’s a protein shake if I’m stretched for time. If I’m opting to chew, I will make a salad with adequate amounts of protein and good fats like avocado, eggs, seeds, nuts, feta cheese etc… and sometimes finish off with a protein hot chocolate or WillPowders coffee - it just totally depends on how I’m feeling. On the days that sourdough toast and poached eggs are life, I don't give myself a hard time. Life's too short and enjoying a clean bread like sourdough at lunch is definitely not worth getting my knickers in a twist, although I may limit my carbs at dinner. Being kind to yourself is at the heart of finding your WillPowders Way!
Every month or so, I try to do a longer, clean fast which means I let my body take a break from everything. These fasts range from 24 - 48 hours, allowing my body to enter autophagy and do a little clean up. You need to work up to longer fasts and proceed with caution if you’re on medication. Consult your doctor if you’re unsure. For more information on types of fasting, check out our ketosis blog.

When I Really Need WillPowders...
Now comes the afternoon slog…this is my weak spot. Around 4pm, I start thinking about dinner. My hunger hormone starts to rage and I start to worry that I’m not going to make it to dinner without filling my face. When I start to feel weak, I either make myself a WillPowders coffee, or decaf coffee followed by 2 Calms to offset the insomnia later, chug back a tbsp of MCT Oil or, I might make a snack size protein shake (1 scoop of protein powder mixed in milk and water - half and half). Occasionally, I mistake feeling a bit boggled eyed for hunger, so sometimes, before I opt to fuel with fat, I might have a Brain Powder to test whether I’ve just been staring at my laptop for too long.
Dinner tends to be the biggest meal of the day because I cook for my family.
I don’t stress about eating pasta sometimes or enjoying a curry with white rice and naan bread. I don’t get my knickers in a twist about a steak and chips or shoving a salmon fillet and couscous in my face. I look forward to pizza night just as much as my 8 year old because I make everything from scratch, stick to sourdough or I spend my time reading ingredients labels. Eating UPF free has always kind of been my vibe, but now I try to make sure that meat, eggs, milk and other ingredients are organic as well. It can get a little pricey, but I don’t buy handbags and shoes and spending my money on my health and the health of my family brings me joy. It’s an investment. I’ll often pimp the meals I make with collagen, MCT Keto Creamer or cook with MCT Oil to add a little bit of sneaky nutrition and ensure my boys are getting some of the good stuff without knowing. They can be such fuss pots! And sometimes, I eat what I want and I don’t give myself a hard time about it, which is what I used to do ALL the time even though I’ve always eaten reasonably well.
Now, I used to be a big wine drinker and I still enjoy a couple of glasses at the weekend, but now I try to stay clear during the week. Instead, I might enjoy a Kombucha, ElectroTide, Apple Cider Vinegar cocktail or sparkling water infused with lime and it’s made such a big difference to my energy levels and waist line. When I let loose on a Friday and Saturday night, I support my liver with Rise & Shine, a little helping hand to help my body cope with the onslaught of the grape.
Whilst I haven’t really changed my diet massively, I have started to make more conscious decisions. Rather than having a pre-tea sandwich, I opt for MCTs and Protein instead. Rather than chowing down on carbs to give me energy and fill me up, I choose good fats, Protein and MCTs to keep me going.
The point is, I don’t consume anything if I don’t need it and that includes MCT. If you need it, have it, just be mindful that your aim is to replace carbs, sugary snacks and ultra-processed food for good fats, not gorge on both. Davinia’s ‘It’s Not a Diet’ has amazing 2 weeks plans that have been designed to reset old habits that surround food. The meals are there as a suggestion to illustrate how you should be fueling your body, but don’t feel as though you can’t change it up.
You have work out YOUR WillPowders Way! If you’re a breakfast eater, live your best, just make good choices. Give our Protein pancakes a whirl or enjoy an omelette rather than chowing down on toast and cereal. If you struggle to get to lunch without a snack, have a WillPowders coffee or snack size Protein Shake rather than a seed oil riddled affair or half a pack of biscuits. Don’t worry about fueling with MCT, it’s a great source of nutrition, but it is an ‘instead of’, not an ‘as well as’ kind of situation.

What Breaks a Fast?
We get asked what breaks a fast almost every day and that’s because it’s not clear cut.
Clean Fasting
If you are ‘clean’ fasting, anything that isn’t water will break your fast. You can drink herbal/black tea and coffee or ElectroTide, but stay away from everything else.
Here’s where it gets tricky… Fasting with fat and fat fueling are different.
Fasting with FAT
If you want your body to enter a state of fasting and start using ketogenic energy to burn fat, you need to stick to 1-2 teaspoons of MCT Oil or MCT Keto Creamer and 2-5g of collagen within your fasting window. Spread your products out across your fasting window so that your body can process and use the FAT energy you are giving it.
FAT Fuelling
If fasting gives you the heebies or you're new to it, want to give it a go but want to warn your body it’s coming, try fueling with fat to get started. This is where you can consume up to 5 tbsp of MCT Keto Creamer and MCT Oil and up to 30g of collagen per day. For additional support in fighting those pesky hunger pangs, you could also enjoy a protein drink and satiate with clean protein with additional MCTs. You will find that your energy soars and the biscuit tin’s allure becomes less alluring. Think of this as the training phase in preparation for reaping the benefits of intermittent fasting, whether it be clean or FAT.
This blog, It’s Not a Diet and It’s Not a Summer Diet provides you with an example day in the life of someone on their WillPowders Way, but remember, everyone’s WillPowders Way is different and you need to find yours.
Once you have mastered our FAT products, the products that we think everyone can benefit from, you will likely find that you have the energy to start exploring the rest of our range. From nootropics that support your cognitive function, vitamins and minerals that support your liver and reduce inflammation, to electrolytes for replenishment, WillPowders has something for everyone.
To help you decide which way to turn on your WillPowders Way, check out our quiz which has been designed to point you in the right product direction, our recipes that offer a little bit of inspo, our blogs that can help you find the answers to your unanswered questions, and our How to Guides that can further help you with your product knowledge.
Don’t forget to sign up to our loyalty scheme The Good Fat Club for some FAT discounts and check out our online community, the For Fats Sake facebook group #FFS where you will find others who are navigating their WillPowders Way and winning!
Customer Stories

In only three months, the gorgeous Natalie has lost 2 stone. She has embraced intermittent fasting and owes her success to her own sheer determination. As a veggie, she has...

I can’t thank WillPowders and Davinia enough for how things are mentally, emotionally and physically for me now. It’s unbelievable! I think everyone who battles eating disorders should know this...
Our blogs are written with love in the hope that they go some way in helping you feel like the rockstar you are, and whilst we do our due diligence, research like maniacs and fact check our stuff, we know everyone’s journey is different. They are intended to educate and empower you, not usurp medical advice. We would never advise you to stop, adjust, or modify any prescription medication without the direct supervision of your healthcare practitioner, but don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor about your new found knowledge, brought to you by the marvels of nature because they don't know everything! Blogs are always informed by Davinia but often written by a member of the team. Not all blogs reflect Davinia's experiences and sometimes provide alternative perspectives