Rachel is such an inspiration and her story is exactly why we do what we do at WillPowders. Rachel has taken back control with our Collagen, MCT Keto Creamer, MCT Oil, Protein Powder, ElectroTide, Calm and Rise & Shine and she has never felt better. Here’s what Rachel has to say:
‘I ‘found’ Davinia by accident whilst scrolling through instagram… as you do! Davinia’s straight talking and no one’s perfect approach really resonated with me.. and I wanted to know more. I bought her book, slowly introduced the products and a few months later my life and health have completely transformed. I was desperate back in September, struggling to do up my shoes due to my huge tummy, inflammation, bloat, being overweight, feeling ill and miserable. I now have the most radiant and glowing skin, I look visibly younger and have lost 1 stone 7 pounds in weight. I still have about half a stone to lose, but I'm happy to do that slowly. I’m 52, peri menopausal and I thought I was stuck being overweight, tired and unhealthy for the rest of my life. Thank goodness for Davinia. It feels like I’ve been saved. My overall health has improved, I have more energy, improved gut health and diet and I have lost weight.’