Michelle looks and feels amazing after finding WillPowders. Her hero products are WillPowders Protein Powder, MCT Keto Creamer, MCT Oil and Collagen which all allow her to stay in control and crush cravings.
I wanted to share a bit of my story and success since discovering Davinia and her way of life.
I came across Davinia’s book, It's Not a Diet and insta page last summer whilst recovering from foot surgery and then went to see her on her book tour. I came away feeling pretty inspired but my head wasn't really in the right space to follow the lifestyle then due to months of recovery ahead. I was already carrying a bit of extra weight but by the end of last year I was feeling really unhappy, peri menopausal, frustrated, exhausted - everything. I decided enough was enough and that 2024 was time to take care of me.
Move on 20 weeks and I'm two stone lighter and feel amazing inside and out. UPFs are a thing of the past (most of the time) and I find fat fasting really easy and I'm amazed at how much I can train in a fasted state.
At the beginning of the year I had 16 weeks to get ready for my annual training camp in Lanzarote. I hadn't felt this ready since 2019. Hand on heart I smashed it - I felt strong and amazing.
I have worked hard since the start of this year but it hasn't felt hard at all. I had the most ridiculous sweet tooth - now I can say no. I don't always say no because life is short and meant to be enjoyed but now I decide when I'm having it and not just for the sake of it like I used to.
I am loving this way of life. I find For Fats Sake Facebook group inspiring and motivational and I'm forever pinching ideas and recipes etc to try. This time last year I thought that weight loss was impossible and that I was "stuck". Not true!! If I can do it, anyone can, although I have to say the compliments from friends and family do help.
A few more lbs to go and I think I'll be content!